World of Wheels Vaughn Early Award and Fab5

World of Wheels Recap: Fab 5 and Vaughn Early Memorial Award Winner

February 7, 2023

The 52nd Annual World of Wheels Show in Birmingham, AL had an amazing turn out this year.  The ISCA judges were on hand to pick the “Fabulous Five” winners, which is the top 5 first time shown vehicles of the show. Only one of the Fab 5 was selected to take home the Vaughn Early Memorial Award and the $10,000 Cash Prize.

Congratulations to John Flowers of Lexington, South Carolina and his awesome 1962 Chevy Bel Air for winning the 2023 Early Memorial Award. 

52nd World of Wheels Vaughn Early Award Winner John Flowers 1962 Chevy Bel Air

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